
About the Institute

ご挨拶Director Message

The Institute for Chiso Arts and Culture was established with the aim of striving to create new values and promote cultural arts by taking a multifaceted view of Chiso’s various tangible and intangible cultural property such as textiles, art works, historical documents.

The Institute for Chiso Arts and Culture is a second institute founded by Chiso. The first institute, Nishimura Sō Senshoku Kenkyūsho, was founded during World War II in response to the issuance of Shashihin Tō Seizō Hanbai Seigen Kisoku (regulations restricting the production and sale of luxury items) in 1940. To protect the livelihood of the artisans and their techniques during the time when producing and selling luxury items were prohibited. Chiso founded the first institute under the approval of Government and continued to manufacture goods with scarce materials.

Today we live in the time with abundant consumer goods and people with more diverse values as people and things interact far more globally. Additionally, artificial intelligence that is undergoing rapid advances is now about to revolutionize our civilization.

Tradition is not something that is simply to be preserved, but is something to be created.
The Institute for Chiso Arts and Culture, together with researchers, engineers, and artists will provide a platform of knowledge and creativity crossing the boundaries of academic and industrial fields to pass down the Japanese culture to the future generations.

Nishimura Sōzaemon
Representative Director,
Institute for Chiso Arts and Culture


The Institute for Chiso Arts and Culture conducts researches and educational activities based on the three research themes: Kyoto, technique, and beauty.

Since its establishment, Chiso has developed together with the culture and community of Kyoto by serving its role in administering town and collaborating with artist of Kyoto painting circle in the production of textiles. While changing the focus of its business from a religious vestments merchant who delivered costumes to the imperial family and temples to a kimono merchant who products yūzen-dyed kimono, Chiso continued to pursue beauty and pass on the techniques of textile products. Following the track of its history, we can see that the three themes of the Institute, Kyoto, techniques, and beauty closely relate to one another, and each gets involved in various disciplines and industrial fields.

Comprehensive studies of Chiso’s tangible and intangible cultural properties based on the themes of Kyoto, techniques and beauty will help to unravel the relationships between things that are hardly found by a single perspective. We also aim to create a new culture by considering the results of such researches together with everyone and returning them to society.

活動実績Activity Reports


組織概要Overview the Institute

Institute for Chiso Arts and Culture
京都府京都市中京区三条通烏丸西入御倉町80 (株)千總内
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代表理事代表理事 西村總左衛門
(株式会社千總ホールディングス 取締役会長)
理事松島 浩道
(⼀般財団法⼈⼤⽇本蚕⽷会 会頭) 
森口 邦彦
(染色家・重要無形文化財 友禅 保持者) 
監事河添 豊弘
(株式会社千總ホールディングス 総務部⻑) 
所長加藤 結理子

