Chiso Arts and Culture
The Nishimura Sōzaemon (西村總左衛門) Family, known by its brand name Chiso, started in the Kōji period (1555-58), when Nishimura Sadaharu (西村貞喜) adopted the name Chikiriya Yozaemon (千切屋与三右衛門) and established a purveyor of vestments. Since then, the family has continued dealing clothing in the Muromachi-Sanjō district of Kyoto. Through the generations, the family kept collecting craft objects and objects for craft production. Today, this collection reaches approximately 20,000 art works and historical materials, including 2 paintings nationally designated as Important Cultural Properties. These objects bear witness to the common history shared between Chiso / the Nishimura Sōzaemon Family and the city of Kyoto.
On the other hand, countless techniques are required for the production of textiles Chiso dealt in. The extraction of fibers from animals and plants, the spinning of yarn, weaving and dyeing of textiles all involve different skills, materials and tools. Depending on its design and technique, the time required to create a single kimono can vary from 3 months to several years. Although some processes have been mechanized, many others are still made by hand, and involve the participation of several different artisans, who have a unique and deep knowledge of the design, colors, materials, and tools required to complete each stage of the work. Here, we will introduce just a part of them.